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Thursday Thirteen

13 Eerie American Destinations

I picked up a copy of Eerie America: Travel Guide of the Macabre by ER Vernor & Kevin Eads at my local library. An interesting guide. I’ve picked out thirteen spots that appealed to me for my TT this week. Thirteen Macabre American Destinations 1. The Body Farm,...

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Thirteen Ways I Learned to Write About Sex

I’m thrilled to welcome Marian Perera, a fellow Samhain Publishing author. She’s celebrating the release of her paranormal fantasy romance, The Highest Tide and has a fun post about sex. Thirteen ways I learned to write about sex Thanks for hosting me, Shelley! I like...

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13 Things About Tomatoes

I love eating fresh tomatoes. Actually, I love eating tomatoes full stop, and I’m eating a lot at present. Often my lunch will be sliced tomato on toast with lots of fresh ground black pepper. Thirteen Things About Tomatoes 1. Tomatoes originated in the Andes, around...

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Thirteen Things About the Baobab Tree

I’m currently working on the third book in my House of the Cat series. One of the characters is a tremin, and although sentient, he bears many characteristics of a tree. Hubby and I were walking the dog, and I said to him, “My character is a tree. Not a real tree, at...

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13 Animals and Birds that Mate for Life

As a romance author, I believe in happy relationships and happy endings. I live them everyday while write and reading my books. While some humans are monogamous, there is an equal number of those who cheat or move on to another partner for one reason or another. The...

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13 Events From This Week in London History

  I’m currently reading The London Book of Days by Peter de Loriol. For my TT this week, I thought I’d give you a quick rundown of some of the things that happened this week in London history. Thirteen Events from London History 1. Nov 24 1434 – There was a...

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Thirteen Holiday Highlights

Hubby and I had an awesome holiday in September and visited the Baltic area along with parts of the Mediterranean. Thirteen Holiday Highlights 1. Visiting St Petersburg, Russia and gawking at some of the many treasures displayed in the palaces and mansions. So many...

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13 Destinations in My Future

Hubby and I are counting the days until our holiday, which starts in about seven weeks. Here are some of the places we intend to visit. Thirteen Places We Will Visit 1. Southampton, England 2. London 3. St. Petersburg, Russia 4. Copenhagen, Denmark 5. Oslo, Norway 6....

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13 Types of Citrus Fruit

Citrus fruits originated in the tropical and sub-tropical regions of Asia. They are acidic and the seeds of the fruit are covered with juicy yet bitter fruit segments. They range in color from bright yellow to orange and green. They’re good for us and delicious to...

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