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Thirteen Pieces of Advice for Aspiring Writers

I’ve been in a writing mood recently, which is great from my point of view. Today, I wrote “the end” on my current work in progress. Since my mind is in the groove, I thought I’d give some advice to aspiring authors. 1. Sit down and write every day. Make writing into...

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Author Photos: Yes or No?

I always enjoy the Novelist Inc. blog, and the most recent post is one by Pati Nagle about Five Should Haves on a Website. It's a great post and well worth reading. One of the things Pati mentions is an author photo on the home page of a website. She says readers feel...

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Characteristics of a Good Website

Michael Hyatt, the president and CEO of Thomas Nelson Publishers has an interesting blog post about websites. He ran several author websites through WebsiteGrader to see how their websites performed. I scored an 84, which shows room for improvement. I lost marks for...

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