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April 19, 2012

Thirteen Fad Diets to Try – or Not!


A few nights ago one of the news items on television was about the new tube diet that is sweeping America. It sounded pretty gross to me, but it did give me an idea for this weeks Thursday Thirteen.

Thirteen Fad Diets

1. Grapefruit diet – a low-carb diet featuring grapefruit/grapefruit juice with every meal.

2. Cabbage Soup diet – a lot of cabbage soup is consumed.

3. Beverly Hills diet – based on a theory that the body needs the enzymes found in certain foods in order to digest food properly.

4. Atkins diet – this is a very popular diet plan. It’s based  on the theory that when we reduce our intake of carbohydrates our body must seek another source of energy and will burn fat.

5. South Beach diet – this diet is similar to the Atkins diet, but it balances good carbs against bad carbs. It could be argued that this one is not a fad diet because it is nutritionally sound.

6. Blood Type diet – food eaten is suited to a person’s blood type. 

7. Paleo diet – the dieter eats the same foods his ancestors ate rather than a modern diet.

8. Negative Calorie diet – foods are eaten that use up more calories during the digestion process than they actually contain.

9. Apple Cider Vinegar diet – it’s claimed that regular consumption will cause fat to be burned rather than stored.

10. Tapeworm diet – a tapeworm is ingested in order to lose weight.

11. 3 Day diet – a low calorie diet done over three days.

12. Israeli diet – done over eight days. The dieter eats apples, cheese, chicken, salad. Each food is eaten for two days before moving onto the next food.

13. Tube diet – the new diet where a person has a tube stuck down their nose and they’re given a limited amount of calories via tube.

When it comes to diets, my preference is to limit my calories and increase the amount of exercise I do each day. With this type of diet it’s possible to lose weight at a sustainable pace and keep off the weight. I think the tube diet sounds gross, and personally, I prefer to physically eat my food and use my taste buds!!

What do you think of the tube diet? Would you try the tube diet?


  1. Ciara Knight

    Okay, number 10 and 13 are just too extreme IMHO. I mean, really? Now confession, I’ve tried most of these. I’m not obese, but I had to keep the weight off when i was a dancer/actor. Never heard of 6 or 7.

    • Shelley Munro

      When I visited Africa, one of the girls on our trip managed to get a tapeworm. She was really sick, and I can’t think of anything worse!

  2. Brinda

    Yes, I’ll admit that I’ve tried too many diets. From this list, I’ve done the Atkins and the South Beach.

    • Shelley Munro

      They’re both very popular diets from what I hear. The diet books have sold millions of copies.

  3. CountryDew

    Ewww. A tapeworm. Just … ewww. Really?

    That is just too gross before breakfast! Yuck.

    • Shelley Munro

      That was my reaction. Why would someone ingest one on purpose?

  4. DebraG

    I have tried the Atkins and the South Beach but I know people who have tried the others. I would never do the tube one. I used to get sick whenever I went on a diet and then I found out I have a lot of food sensitivities. Bummer

    • Shelley Munro

      Debra, the tube diet just seems way too extreme for me. Eating is such a social occasion. I’d hate to be the one to say, “I can’t go out today because of my tube.”

      Food sensitivities don’t sound like much fun!

  5. sandy

    tapeworm really??

    • Shelley Munro

      That was my reaction.

  6. Savannah Chase

    I’ve tried a few of these diets. They didn’t work for me for long. I think the best way to diet is eat healthy and work out. Moderation and exercise.

    • Shelley Munro

      I agree, Savannah. Most of us would lose weight if we ate smaller portions too. Portion control is way out of control for most of us.

    • Shelley Munro

      I’ve always done the calorie controlled thing. I hate limiting the type of foods I eat. Varied is good in my book.

  7. Alice Audrey

    I suspect that negative food diet would end up with a lot of celery and not much else.

    • Shelley Munro

      Yes, celery and lettuce I’d say.

  8. Heather

    I have not tried any of these, and agree with Ciara that 10 and 13 are too extreme. Cannot imagine willingly swallowing a tapeworm. Eww!

    • Shelley Munro

      The thought reminds me of one of those sci-fi movies with creepy alien parasites.

  9. Louisa Bacio

    I’m with healthy eating and exercise also. Since my mom has done it for so long, I like Weight Watchers, but that’s more of limiting intake and watching what you eat.

    • Shelley Munro

      I like the Weight Watchers approach, although I’ve never tried them. I like the way they try new methods of points scoring for food and make everything as easy as possible for the dieter.

  10. Angela Brown

    First, I can’t stand the thought of a tube being stuck down my throat so that one would be a heck no. Then to purposely inject a tapeworm…REALLY? Not heck no but Hell No!! Ewwww!!!!

    I tried the Atkins diet but that didn’t work so well for me. I love bread and potato chips too dog gone much. And I had a friend that did the grapefruit diet. Lost quite a few pounds but gained a jacked up pH balance from all the citric acid and a lot of mouth sores from the same citric acid.

    I like Shelley’s eat smarter, work a little more. It may not get 10 pounds off in 2 days, but it is better for sustaining longer termed weight loss. Now if only I can put down the chocolate so I can back on my better eating habit plan.

    • Shelley Munro

      Isn’t chocolate a necessary food group???

  11. Shelley Munro

    I’m having Internet connection problems, so will reply to everyone later. I’m in my coffice and need to write now! See you later :)

  12. Maria Zannini

    A couple of these are insane. I’d never heard of the tapeworm diet. That tube diet is all over the media recently though.

    No thanks. I’ll keep my extra pounds.

    • Shelley Munro

      I’m with you. A few extra pounds won’t hurt. From what I hear most of those doing the tube diet are brides wanting to look good on their wedding day.

  13. Mary Kirkland

    I’d heard of all of those except for the negative calorie diet. I just heard about this tube diet and I learned a long time ago I would rather be happy and not worry about dieting. So no I wouldn’t do the tube diet or any of them.

    • Shelley Munro

      I’m with you, Mary. Happy is better than extreme diets.

  14. Rekaya Gibson

    Cool list. I have tried #2, but I love cabbage. This tube thing is nasty. What happened to hard work? Is it no longer in the dictionary or did someone steal it? Thanks for sharing.

    The Food Temptress

    • Shelley Munro

      I don’t mind cabbage, but I couldn’t eat it every day. Sigh – the quick fix isn’t necessarily the best solution.

  15. Jenny Schwartz

    Oh my goodness…really? a grapefruit diet? *shudders*

    I live by — or try to — a hedonist’s diet So when I eat a cake or ice cream or some yummy treat I want to really, really enjoy it, but I find that if I’ve been eating too many of them (and it’s way to easy to “reward” oneself with these treats) then I don’t enjoy the treat as a treat, as something special…so then I try to go a few days without eating sugar. Then the treat becomes special again.

    Do I sound insane? ;)

    • Shelley Munro

      Not insane at all. Moderation in all things usually works.

  16. Carolyn

    I argue ferociously over paleo being in this list. It is called ‘the caveman diet” which sounds silly and faddish but the reality is it is a diet based on eating close to the earth, as natural as possible. Not Atkins – it isn’t an intentional lowcarb diet, it just turns out that way because all processed food and grains are cut. Grass-fed beef and other meats, free-range chicken and eggs, etc. LOL obviously I am a huge advocate as it has done wonders for me. It is, honestly, very much like the way I grew up before the days of fast foods.

    http://www.marksdailyapple.com is a fab source for real information. :)

    • Shelley Munro

      Thanks for the info and the link, Carolyn. I’ll definitely check it out and read some more about this diet.