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October 1, 2015

The Blogging Challenge

blog ahead 2015

This October I’m joining the Blog Ahead Challenge, hosted by Herding Cats & Burning Soup and Caffeinated Book Reviewer.

The object is to write enough blog posts to schedule ahead for one month, and now that I’m back from holidays and have my deadline under control, I thought it was the perfect time to take up the challenge. I like the idea of having posts written in advance so that when I’m extra busy with writing, I don’t need to think about blogging as well.

My goal: To write 31 extra posts during October. I have several new releases during the next three months, so my topics will include background research and inspiration plus my normal mix of travel and cooking posts.

If you’d like to join in the challenge, it’s not too late. You can find full details for the challenge at Herding Cats & Burning Soup.

Do you blog ahead?


  1. CountryDew

    I blog ahead if I know I’m going to be out of town, and schedule them to post. That way no one knows I’m gone.

    You could do four Thursday 13s! If you’ve lost the new link, it’s http://newthursday13.blogspot.com. And congrats on meeting your deadlines and your book publications.

    • Shelley Munro

      Good idea. I’ve always enjoyed doing TT13 lists.
      Thanks for the link. I had lost it since I haven’t blogged much this year.

  2. anna (herding cats & burning soup)

    Woots! Sounds like an great plan in place for the challenge :) There are a couple authors who are getting the jump on release posts. That’s so awesome! Good luck this month!

    • Shelley Munro

      Thanks, Anna. It’s good being part of the FB group because you can’t help but be inspired by the enthusiasm of the rest of the bloggers.

  3. kimbacaffeinate

    So glad you are joining us and it looks like you have a great plan of attack! Good luck :)

    • Shelley Munro

      Thank you! I’ve been managing two posts a day, so I’m pleased with my progress.

  4. Mary Kirkland

    I usually have about 30 posts already written and ready to post. Right now I have 45 so I’m doing good.

    • Shelley Munro

      Wow, Mary! I think I need to hire you. :)

  5. Heather L

    Good luck with the challenge!

    • Shelley Munro

      Thanks, Heather. I’m going well so far.