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Love Scenes: Risque Business!

I've just finished reading a book by a fairly well-known author. The writing was solid. The characterization good. The dialogue made me chuckle in a few places, and then I reached the love scenes... Most of the love scenes took place on horseback. Now I've ridden a...

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Try a Free Read Today

Recently I've added some free reads to my website in the hope of attracting new readers. I've been surprised by how many extra visitors these free stories have brought to my site already because I haven't advertised them yet. My free reads are available here:...

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Forgot to Mention…

I'm the guest blogger over at Erotic Muses today. I'm talking about cat burglars and mentioned my upcoming release, Cat Burglar in passing... Here's the link: Erotic Muses

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Hot Stuff with Shelley Munro

I'm guest blogging at Jennifer's Randon Musing today and talking about hot stuff. I'm also giving away a download of my recent release, Fringe Benefits. All you need to do is post a comment. Here's the link. Shelley

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National Parks in America

Thirteen National Parks I Visited Recently 1. Yosemite, California - just beautiful. I'd visited before but it was much quieter this time due to both the petrol prices and a recent fire that had scared visitors away. We had a perfect day with excellent visibility. 2....

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Fishing up New Zealand.

I enjoy some of the Maori myths and legends. This one, telling of Maui and the birth of New Zealand, is one of my favorites. As with all legends, there are a few variations. Maui was a demi-god who possessed magical powers. Not all his family knew of his magical...

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