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Fake Friends

I always find intriguing human interest stories when I buy the New Zealand Herald, and the one I found this week has given me some great ideas for a new plot. The story is about young professional people in Japan. They’re so busy working that they don’t have time to...

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Menace in the Kitchen.

I feel as if I should cue the creepy "Jaws" music because today I'm discussing a very serious topic... Dangerous kitchen equipment. There's loads of potential for injury in the kitchen, but the one bit of equipment that has injured me the most, the one piece I fear is...

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Super Humans

Recently I watched the FBI drama Eleventh Hour and the episode dealt with super soldiers. In a coincidence, I’m reading the second book in Bianca D’Arc’s Resonance Mates series. (You know the one I mentioned in yesterday’s post—the one I don’t have time to read!) The...

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On That Farm There Were Some Hens

Mr. Munro and I both agree. On that alpaca farm, we’ll have some hens. There’s nothing better or more satisfying than eating the fresh eggs you’ve collected. Of course, I know from experience that some hens take issue with egg stealing and they fight back. Hen pecks...

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I Wanna Be An Alpaca Farmer

A few years ago, during a trip to the Gold Coast in Australia, we went on a tour of the Hinterland. Part of the tour was a visit to an alpaca farm. I fell in love with the alpacas then and told my husband I wanted one. Alpacas are the smaller cousins of llamas and...

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Where Do You Hide Yours?

FYI - I hide mine in the fridge. :grin: When was your last? Um...I have to think about that... What More Could I Wish For? Ooh yes...I'll take one now... :mrgreen: Timtams are an Australian invention--one of their best, I have to say. And I don't think we can take...

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#8 Wire

Number eight wire is a gauge or thickness of wire used for fencing. In New Zealand it's also a term used to indicate a can-do attitude. A number eight wire mentality means that a person can turn their hand to anything or will attempt to do anything even though it...

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We All Scream Ice Cream

Mr. Munro and I watched a food documentary about the history of ice cream during the weekend. It was fascinating, charting the history of ice cream in Britain and giving us a glimpse of Walls, the ice cream people. It's said that ice cream was first invented by Roman...

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The Vulcan Salute

There are some things my husband can do that I can't, and it just drives me crazy. One, there's the Vulcan Salute. That's the gesture Mr. Spock and his fellow Vulcan do as part of their greeting. There's a photo and a description here. No matter how I hold my mouth...

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