Check out Monique McDonell’s new contemporary release, Any Way You Spin It. Sometimes you must accept that love doesn’t always show up at your convenience. Minnie has made mistakes and lots of them. Fresh out of rehab and back in her home town her plan is simple; she needs to make amends to all the people she hurt, especially her children, and get her life back on track. She has no room in her...
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Oldies But Goodies
I mentioned in yesterday's post that I went to town. Of course, I couldn't resist visiting Whitcoulls. (the store I mentioned here) While I was there, I purchased season two and three of Deadwood (my love of Deadwood and several photos of the town are here). The shop...
Plain Wrong.
I went to my local town today to post parcels and do a few other things. A couple of the stores have Christimas trees in the windows and are in full-out Christimas advertising mode. We also have a few Christmas adverts on TV. No doubt the first of many to come. I...
One of Those Days!
I hope my Monday isn't indicative of the week to come because I didn't enjoy it. Nothing really bad happened, just lots of little things that on their own would have been okay, but together made me grumpy. I'm going to have a late night trying to get my word total...
Pumpkins and Kitchen Gadgets
I promised Gabriele a pumpkin soup recipe. There are lots of variations of pumpkin soup. I make a vegetarian version and leave out the bacon. I replace the chicken stock with vegetable stock. knob of butter and a little olice oil 1 onion chopped 3 - 4 cloves of garlic...
A Large Muscular Bag…
Thirteen Things about STOMACHS I bet that title made you look. My post today is about stomachs, mainly because mine has been center-stage recently. I'm working to reduce the size of it. (on the outside) So, what is a stomach? 1. The stomach is a muscular organ. It can...
How Do You Keep Track of Your Characters?
Here's a question for all you writers out there - both aspiring and published. How do you keep track of a character's physical attributes, their quirks and baggage? Their family history? I'm forever forgetting what color eyes I've given my characters and little things...