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We’re Ready for Dunkirk ~Are you? #dunkirk #IARTG #romance

With the opening of Christopher Nolan’s movie Dunkirk this Friday, I’m pleased to share with you the news of the Dunkirk Week WWII Epic Book Sale. From 7/21-27, more than 50 authors of the FB Second World War Club have joined together to offer you their WWII novels, most at 99c. Our novels range from military war tales, home front drama and sagas, harrowing accounts of the Holocaust, gripping...

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What A Tangled Web We Weave with Lorelei James

My special guest today is Samhain author, Lorelei James. She's talking about family trees and books. Over to Lorelei and her Western men! Shelley contacted me after she’d finished, TIED UP, TIED DOWN, the latest book in my Rough Riders series from Samhain Publishing,...

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Lemons: Yellow Sunshine

Thirteen Things about LEMONS This year our lemon tree has produced heaps of fruit. Our fruit bowls are full of them. They're a bright sunshine color and remind me of summer, despite the winter gloom outside. 1. Lemon trees are cultivated throughout the tropical and...

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Packing For Travel

Thirteen Things about PACKING for a Trip With my trip coming up soon, packing is looming... 1. Make a list a few weeks beforehand of the things you think you'll need to take with you. 2. Lay out the clothes you think you want to take, along with toiletries, shoes etc....

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Crunchy Lemon Muffins

After a solid week of edits, I've decided to have a lazy weekend. I've just made a batch of one of my favorite muffins and thought I'd share the recipe with you. It's taken from New Zealander Alison Holst's Marvellous Muffins recipe book, and it's one I make often. 2...

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Handbag Security

This might seem a random topic to blog about, but last week, not far from where I live, a woman was killed during a handbag robbery. Most women carry their lives in their handbag. I know I'm guilty of carrying way more stuff than I need. I thought a refresher of some...

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Yes! We Have No Bananas!

Thirteen Things about BANANAS I had no idea what I was doing for my TT this week. I thought about it while eating my porridge. I glanced around my kitchen and my gaze lit on it--inspiration in the form of one lonely banana. I hereby dedicate my TT to the humble...

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