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romance genre

Writer Tip: Ashley Ladd

"Find a good critique partner (or two) that you trust and work closely with them. A second set of eyes to view your work and give input is invaluable." Visit Ashley Ladd's website at www.ashleyladd.com Purchase one of her releases or read excerpts at Ashley Ladd's...

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Writer Tip: Gail Carriger

"I believe that to make it as a writer takes a combination of skill, persistence, and luck. William Feather aptly puts it, "Success seems to be largely a matter of hanging on after others have let go." There is no way to predict what will be the right pitch at the...

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Writer Tip: Sasha White

"Don't fall prey to believing everything you read in Craft books or hear in workshops is the only way to do things. Always remember that what people tell you works, is what works for them - and what works for them might not work for you. You may be different, and...

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Writer Tip: Crystal Jordan

"Form a network with other writers. This can be in person at local writer's meetings, or online on forums and websites, or some combination of the two. More heads are better than one when it comes to knowing about new opportunities for authors or hearing about changes...

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Writer Tip: Louisa Edwards

"Go Low Tech I don't know how anyone ever managed to write and revise a novel before the invention of computers (laptops!) with word processing. The speed and maneuverability, the way you can lift whole passages out and slot them in somewhere better--it's fantastic....

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Writer Tip: Beth Kery

"My simple tip for writers is this: write. Write every day. Don’t let your internal critic talk you out of it because you still need to learn this or that skill, or you haven’t got that perfect synopsis yet or the ‘just right’ computer to get started. Tell that fussy...

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Romance and Infidelity

Yesterday my post was about flaws and faults in heroes. One flaw I didn’t mention in my post was that of infidelity. Infidelity is a real hot button when it comes to romance readers. Some people have experienced infidelity in real life, and betrayal of this nature...

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