What is a bathtub read? I'm glad you asked. *grin* At this time of the year, most people are busier with family and work functions. There is more socializing and delicious meals and lots of other fun stuff. Reading for pleasure tends to take a backseat at times like this. I don't know about you, but reading is my go-to place to relax. I get grumpy if my reading/relaxation time is cut short. But...
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A Nepalese Market #travel
The Thamel area of Kathmandu, the main city in Nepal, is a shopper’s paradise. There are so many interesting things to look at and food to try. It’s a feast for the senses and a real treat for a photographer. We purchased a Gurkha knife, much like one of the selection...
Victoria Falls, Zimbabwe, Africa #travel
This is a photo of Victoria Falls from the air. During our visit, we saw the magnificent falls from all angles. The flight over was spectacular, but my favorite place to see the falls was from the various view points. You can hear the rumble of the falls from miles...
Let’s All Do The Some Girls Like it Hot Facebook Hop! #IARTG #giveaway
How would you like to win one of 100+ gift cards to start off your summer? Join me for the Some Girls Like It Hot Facebook from June 9-12. You can enter to win a gift card from every author on the hop! With gift cards ranging in value from $5 to $25 up for grabs,...
Some Girls Like It Hot and We Do Too! #giveaway #books
We’re treating romance readers to a hot, summertime giveaway. Enter for the chance to win a Kindle Fire HD 10, Kindle Fire HD 8, Kindle Fire 7, Amazon Gift Cards & More! Grand Prize Giveaway June 9-20 and Facebook Hop June 9-12 (Sponsored by the 52 authors listed...
Giant’s Causeway, Northern Ireland #travel
I’ve always wanted to visit the Giant’s Causeway in County Antrim, Northern Island. It is a mysterious place, full of myths and legends about Finn McCool an Irish giant who was at war with a Scottish giant called Benandonner. Some quick thinking by Finn McCool’s wife...
Once in a Blue Moon #freebook #IARTG #paranormal
When I wrote the first book in my Dragon Investigators series, the subject of the moon came up—at least for the hero. The moon plays a part in the hero’s life that creates huge problems. A blue moon doubles the stress. It seemed obvious, then, for me to use the moon...