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Scottish New Year Traditions

We have lots of people of English and Scottish descent in the community where we live, so I’ve been hearing a lot about first-footing and mutters of lumps of coal. I had NO idea what they were talking about, so I decided to find out so as not to appear dim-witted. Here are some Scottish Hogmanay traditions: 1. At midnight, most sing Robbie Burns's poem, Auld Lang Syne. This song refers to old or...

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A Delicious Ginger Crunch

I really, really like Ginger Crunch, and I’ve been on the lookout for a good recipe for ages. This recipe comes from the recipe book A Treasury of New Zealand Baking and is from Jo Seagar. I liked this recipe because of the super gingery flavor and the fact that it...

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Review: First Touch by Laurelin Paige #review

Laurelin Paige is a new-to-me author, and I enjoyed this book very much. Blurb: When Emily Wayborn goes home to visit her mom while on hiatus from her hit TV show, she receives a voicemail from her former best friend, Amber. Though the two were once notorious party...

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Happy New Year!

Happy New Year! Best wishes to all of you for a happy, prosperous and safe 2016. I don’t make resolutions for a new year, but in 2016 (on the very first day), I intend to make a list of the things I want to achieve in my writing life for 2016. On 1st January,  I...

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Writing in Books. Gasp!

I have a thing for recipe books, and each time I visit my local library, I grab some different ones to study and find new recipes to test. My favorites are those featuring baking—the types of cakes and biscuits (cookies) my mother used to make when I was a child. New...

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Shopping in the Market

This photo was taken back in 1997, I think, and this is my younger self attempting to buy avocadoes in a village market somewhere in Zimbabwe. The avocadoes were really good, and I still remember how tasty they were. I have a determined look on my face as I attempt to...

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