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Harlequin Blaze

Writer Tip: Sarah Mayberry

"Take disco breaks. Get up every hour and get the blood flowing and give your brain a break by punching up something pumpy on your ipod or stereo and rocking out for a few minutes. Great to reset things and bring you back to the computer with new energy, and helpful...

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Writer Tip: Tawny Weber

"Goals and Goal Timelines Writing goals are fabulous tools. They get us to put the words on the page, they motivate us to submit our manuscripts, they push us over hurdles when we’d rather give up. You’ve sent goals, right? Finish the first draft – or better yet,...

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Writer Tip: Sarah Mayberry

"I always read when I'm writing - Stephen King calls it "refilling the word well" - and I often re-read my favorite authors and my favorite books. Finding a chapter or scene I love and really analysing how the author put their sentences and descriptions and paragraphs...

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