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Silhouette Desire

Almost the Kitchen Sink…Examining Handbags

I met two girlfriends for coffee this week and the subject of handbags came up. I've been thinking about doing a blog post on handbags and their contents for ages so I con...ah, persuaded them to let me photograph what they were carrying in their bags. Note - they...

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Telling Titles

After a long break, I've started reading category romances again. I've been enjoying the Blaze, Presents and Desire lines. I know some people scoff at the titles, but I have to say it's a quick way of knowing which classic plots a book contains without having to read...

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I Want My Book Fix Now

My special guest today is friend and fellow New Zealander, Tessa Radley. Tessa and I were aspiring authors together. In fact, Tessa and I had a competition where the person with the least rejections by the end of the year had to buy the other lunch. It was a contest...

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