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Tips for Aspiring Authors: What do I write about?

If you’ve followed my advice about reading many books, you probably know what genre you want to write or at least have worked out the genres you enjoy most. Here is a post on choosing your next writing project and another post with suggestions on what to write. Some...

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Tip For Aspiring Authors: Use Your Brain

This advice isn’t solely for aspiring authors but is excellent advice for everyone. If you join an online group, asking questions is usually fine. Other writers/group members are generous with advice and suggestions. They’re helpful and open to sharing their...

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Where Do Writers Get Their Ideas?

This is the first question most people ask once they learn you’re a writer. “I don’t know how you do it,” they’ll say. Then, there will be the other smart arses who want to know if you write from real-life experience and waggle their eyebrows suggestively, knowing...

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The Emotion Thesaurus – An Updated Issue on the Way!

Getting emotion into a romance is one of the hardest jobs of a writer. Stringing words together to make a story seem real and rounded, one that draws the reader into the world the writer has created is plain hard. A few years ago Angela Ackerman and Becca Puglisi...

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Writing Update for February: What Is Coming Next?

2019. If you’ve read some of my other posts, you’ll know I started with a holiday, but writing was never far from my mind. This is what I’ve been working on and these projects will be available for readers very soon. So just how did the Mitchell family from my...

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A Writing Companion and Assistant

Writing is a solitary occupation—at least the first part of the book writing process is done alone. I do most of my writing sitting in my La-Z-Boy chair or if I want a change of scenery, I head out to a café. When I write at home, I have an assistant. Here she is…meet...

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Thirteen Ways I Learned to Write About Sex

I’m thrilled to welcome Marian Perera, a fellow Samhain Publishing author. She’s celebrating the release of her paranormal fantasy romance, The Highest Tide and has a fun post about sex. Thirteen ways I learned to write about sex Thanks for hosting me, Shelley! I like...

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Thirteen Pieces of Advice for Aspiring Writers

I’ve been in a writing mood recently, which is great from my point of view. Today, I wrote “the end” on my current work in progress. Since my mind is in the groove, I thought I’d give some advice to aspiring authors. 1. Sit down and write every day. Make writing into...

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Adventures in the Coffice

During the last few months I’ve been attempting to complete three different manuscripts. When I’m at home it’s easy to become distracted. Too easy! There’s all the housework, the Internet, my email, the puppy wanting to play and the phone, just to mention a few things...

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