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August 25, 2009

Contest: How Many Books?

I’m jetting off on holiday for fourteen days to Singapore and Phuket in Thailand. During my holiday I intend to spend at least some of my time catching up on my reading.

I have my e-reader loaded up with dozens and dozens of books. Definitely more than I can read in this time. I thought I could make a fun contest out of this. Guess how many books I read during my holiday and go into a draw to win one of my print books. I also have a few other things I’ll slip into the package such as pens and post-it notes.

I’m a fast reader.
I’ve read 158 books during the year to date.
The books vary in length and genre.
I intend to read short stories, novellas and long novels.
I intend to spend time swimming, shopping and sightseeing so deduct reading time from this.

Put your best guess in the comments section of this post. Both readers and authors are eligible to enter. Only one guess per person. In the event of more than one person guessing the correct number I’ll do a random drawing. The winner will be notified shortly after my return home.

How many books will I read during my fourteen-day holiday?


  1. Theresa N

    My guess is 5. Hope you have a lovely holiday.

  2. N.J. Walters

    Have fun on your holiday, Shelley.

    I’ll guess you’ll read 8 books on your holiday.

  3. barbara semeraro

    I think you will read 6 books. Have a great time, what a great place to get to visit!

    Barbara S.

  4. Melinda

    I’m trying not to be envious – of the vacation to Thailand and the e-reader! So, I’m thinking 17 books. Have a wonderful time!

  5. Audra Holtwick

    Have A Wonderful Vacation, I think you will read six books on your Holiday!!!
    Have a safe trip!!!

  6. sara hurt

    Wow have a wonderful vacation i am thinking you will read 21 books.

  7. Tamsyn

    Wonderful places for a vacation! Enjoy!
    My guess would be one book per day, a total of 14 books!

  8. Linda Henderson

    Have a great vacation. My guess is 25 books.

    Linda Henderson

  9. mary

    Have a great time on your vacation. I am thinking you will read 12 books.

  10. Judy Cox

    My guess is 15. Have a great time on vacation.

  11. Eva S

    Have a wonderful vacation! My guess is 18 books, a little more than one book per day, if some of them are very short…

  12. Rita Wray

    My guess is 9 books. Have a great time.

  13. Roberta Harwell

    I’m going with my lucky number and say 8. Have a good trip.

  14. Stephanie

    I’m guessing 20 with various lengths this could possible for me without a problem.

  15. Erica G

    My guess is 32 books!

  16. Val Pearson

    I say you will read 11 books

  17. Jo Ann White

    I’m going to guess 13. Hope you have a great trip!

  18. Wilma Frana

    I’m guessing you will read 14 books.

  19. sherry strode

    My guess is 16 books.

  20. karen ratcliff

    7 books – have a great trip!!!!

  21. Elizabeth Blower

    Shelley hope you have a wonderful time. I am guessing that you will read 10 books on your vacation — don’t want to guess too many more as I would hate to have you miss your vacation actually reading all the time!! LOL

  22. Sherry

    I’m guessing 15 books!

  23. Cindy

    I’m going to say 9. Have fun!

  24. Doreen

    I think you will read about 28 books.

    dorcontest at gmail dot com

    Have a fantastic time…you lucky bum.

  25. Chris Jones

    Hi Shelley!
    What a awesome trip, hope you have a fabulous time!
    My guess is you will read 16 books.

  26. Gayle O

    I read a lot of ebooks which are shorter in length rather than full blown novels but if you read anything like me, I’ll guess 20. More than one a day but with all the sites to see, not two a day.

    Have a great time on your vacation. See the sites and don’t read too much.

  27. Tracey

    Have a wonderful trip.

    My guess is 35 books.

  28. carolynO

    well, you read about 20 per month and you are going for 1/2 a month so I would say 10, but most ebooks are shorter than print ones so I will have to up my count and say 15.

  29. Teresa Roberts

    My guess would be seven books. Sounds like a wonderful trip. Have a great time.

  30. Colleen Love

    Sounds like a great time. Just watched a show about Thailand on the Travel Channel! Beautiful culture over there!
    My guess is, you will read 17 books!

    Have a great time and be safe!


  31. Benita G.

    I’m guessing 8 books.


  32. susan leech

    my guess is that you will read 11 books on your vacation. susan L. have a good time and enjoy.

  33. Pat Cochran

    My guess: 12 books.

    Pat Cochran

  34. Mel K.

    I scrolled down and didn’t look at anyone’s number. I put the first number that popped in my head. Have a safe and fun trip, Shelley!


    Mel K.
    Meljprincess AT aol DOT com

  35. Elaine

    I’ll guess 18 books. Have a great holiday!

  36. Regina Gordon

    If you count reading on the plane, you should be able to read at least 27. I love to be able to read w/o guilt when I go on vacation!! None as exotic as yours, but you work hard enjoy the fruits of your labor!!! LOL

  37. Amy W.

    I’d say 11 books if the short stories are part of a collection and only count as one. If they’re individual I’d go up to 22. Have a fabulous time my friend!
    8 days and counting!

  38. Ilona

    Having read 199 books myself so far this year I guess you are almost as prolific a reader as I am.

    That being the case I am guessing you will read as many as I would on a 14 day holiday. That makes roughly 40 books of different lengths. After all you’ve got all those long days on the beach when not swimming to fill ;)

    Enjoy your holiday and don’t get sunburnt if you can help it (My aunt, who is from Singapore, tells me the sun can be very harsh there).

  39. Cathy M

    Have a fabulous time. I am going to guess 30 books.

  40. Bonnie H

    Counting reading time on the plane, I’m thinking around 14. Have fun!!!

  41. Martha Lawson

    Well, I’m a big reader also, but I’m still going to say 7! that was my first thought and I’m sticking to it!! After all, you do have other stuff to do besides read!! Have a great holiday – be safe.

    mlawson17 (at) hotmail dot com

  42. Brenda Rupp

    Ok, I’m guessing 20 books! I think you will be spending a lot of time in the air, if you don’t sleep when you fly, then I know you’ll be reading. With the different sizes of the books, I am guessing you will read more than I would. I would spend so much time sightseeing I would not be able to read as much during the time I would be there.
    Have a wonderful time!

  43. Anne Jones

    I’d guess about 10. I think that would be about the number I’d manage, although I’m limited by not using an E-book reader.

  44. Chris Roberts

    44 books with all the plane travel

  45. Jody F

    I’m going with 8 books.

  46. Helen Hardt

    Have a great time, Shelley! Here’s my guess: 23 books.


  47. Rosemary Simm

    What a wonderful trip to take, wish I was going with you. Take lots of pictures to share with us. My guess is 28.

  48. patsy hagen

    Hope you have a wonderful time on your holiday. My guess is you will read eleven(11) books.

  49. Catherine Lemanski

    Have a wonderful trip and try to read 14 books while on vacation.

  50. Jane

    I’m guessing you’ll read 9 books.