My father rang us about a month ago very excited because one of his paint mares had foaled and finally, he had a filly foal. During my last visit I took the camera. The horses all graze near the quarry, hence their names Wilma, Fred and Betty. My father already had a Pebbles on the farm so the foal is named Cocoa.
This is Fred Flintstone, the paint stallion.
The paint mare is Wilma Flintstone and the bay is Betty Rubble. The paint foal is Cocoa.
This is a closer shot of Cocoa and mother Wilma. My father said he intends to keep the foal, but I’m thinking if someone comes along with the right offer he’ll sell. She’s definitely a cutie.
To visit more Camera Critters
Rabbit, Rabbit.
They are very pretty.
Sunny Sunday #4 – Sunny Bunnies
The horses are so pretty. I love Cocoa, she is a cutie! Great photo of your critters.
They are all beautiful! :grin:
What lovely horses, Shelley. Cool names too.
There’s something about a filly or a colt on the alert that has a lot of appeal.
She IS cute!
What a beautiful bunch of horses. That baby is just the sweetest little thing.
How beautiful. I love paints.
Beautiful! I love the name Cocoa, so cute!
What beautiful horses.
Oh they are so cute.
Great pictures! and I love the names..
I’ve always wanted horses, I love them..
My father’s head would puff up with pride if he read all your comments. He’s so proud of Cocoa and loves to show her off to anyone who visits. Guess what you’d be doing if you visited my father? :lol:
THe horses are really beautiful, I wish I still had the land to pasture horses on and was physically able to care for them. I had a palomino gelding years ago. He was my dream horse.
Wow! They’re all so gorgeous! Cocoa is absolutely precious! Lucky You…you get to pet her! :grin:
Happy Reading!!!
Anna Shah Hoque
They’re beautiful!