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January 7, 2016

Hello, My Name is Shelley #Hello2016

My Name is...

We’re ringing in the New Year with lots of giveaways! And by sharing some fun and wacky facts about ourselves. There’s a new giveaway at each stop so be sure to visit them all!

Six Things You Probably Don’t Know About Me

1. I cycle most days, and I enjoy it, which is a continual source of amazement. I ended up with a bicycle under protest about five years ago—the first one I’ve ever owned. Although I knew how to ride a bike, I was about as steady as a new born baby giraffe. A danger to myself and everyone else.

My husband purchased a bike for each of us, said it would be good exercise and we should take advantage of the miles of cycle/walking paths in the area. Fast forward five years, and hubby’s bike lives in the shed while mine gets an outing most days. Yep, color me amazed. Oh, and my riding has improved!

2. You’ll never find me lounging in pyjamas and dressing gown. The minute I get out of bed in the morning, I get dressed and make the bed.

3. When I first started thinking about a career, I wanted to be a vet since I love animals so much. Then, I realized I’d need to wield a scalpel and there might be blood. That sent me in the direction of banking/accounting. No blood there, but oh so boring. My current career of writing is much more fun. I can write about blood, talk about blood but I don’t have to see it. That makes all the difference.

4. I dislike driving and would rather walk or catch the bus or train. I’m a very capable driver, and I’ve just renewed my driving licence, but there are so many idiots out there on the road. It’s a scary place!

5. Birds freak me out a little. I can look at them, watch them in their natural habitat for ages, but the second they flap near my head, I’m out of there. A legacy of a budgerigar we had as children. It also used to poop on our hair, but it was a pretty blue color.

6. Travel is my middle name, and luckily my husband shares my love of exploring the world. If we’re not away from home, we’re busy planning our next trip. Only lack of money slows us down! A lot of the things I see and experience find their way into my romance novels.


Go into a draw to win a $5 Amazon Gift Card. Just complete the rafflecopter below and answer the question (in rafflecopter) in the comments section of my blog to go into the draw. Good luck!


To visit other stops on the Hello, My Name is blog hop, follow the links below:

1. Shelley Munro (INT)  44. Jacey Holbrand (INT)  
2. The Kids Did It (US)  45. Rockin' Book Reviews  
3. herding cats & burning soup  46. Naomi Clark  
4. I Smell Sheep  47. Amber Morgan  
5. Delighted Reader  48. Nancy Lee Badger, Author  
6. Anne Lange  49. Nana Prah  
7. Brooke Blogs (INT)--not up yet  50. Empi  
8. Talk Supe  51. Kitt Crescendo  
9. The Reading Frenzy  52. Amazeballs Book Addicts  
10. Writing Pearls  53. ExciteSteam  
11. Musings and Ramblings (INT)  54. Kathy Bosman  
12. Holley Trent  55. Share My Destiny  
13. Laura Kaye, Author  56. Author J Lenni Dorner  
14. C.H. Armstrong  57. Sharon Kleve's Romantic Ramblings  
15. Reading Reality (INT)  58. Joanne Jaytanie (INT)  
16. Sara Daniel  59. RhiReading  
17. Swoony Boys Podcast (INT)  60. Andrea R. Cooper  
18. Jan Graham - Author Blog  61. Scandalous Reads  
19. Where the Story Comes First (INT)  62. Thoughts At One In The Morning (INT)  
20. Snarky Mom Reads... --post not up yet  63. Nancy Gideon...Romance by Any Other Name  
21. Alicia @ Addicted Readers (INT) --not up yet  64. Carol Ann Kauffman  
22. The Novel Orange  65. Bridget Blackwood  
23. The Book Lovers Codex (INT)  66. Shiela's Book blog--Not Up Yet  
24. Amber Ella Monroe  67. Starla Kaye  
25. Jennifer Chambers- Strong Women ~ Bold Stories  68. Lea's Crazy Nights  
26. The Jeep Diva  69. Rosanna Leo  
27. Robyn Neeley  70. Anya Breton  
28. Dani Harper, Author   71. Iyana Jenna  
29. Tory Richards  72. Cuan MacDougall Pub  
30. LaQuette  73. Savings in Seconds  
31. Pembroke Sinclair  74. Eden Ashe, Author  
32. Jocelyn Dex  75. Thea Landen  
33. Yolanda Speaks  76. Justus Roux  
34. Zoe Forward, Author  77. Lia Davis  
35. Kelly Cain  78. Mama Reads  
36. Bambi Unbridled  79. Buffy Kennedy  
37. Literary Meanderings (INT)  80. Elisabeth Staab  
38. Sahara Roberts--Not Up Yet  81. Romance Novel Giveaways (INT)  
39. Deal Sharing Aunt  82. Louisa Bacio Love Knows No Bounds  
40. 3 Partners in Shopping  83. Kristina Knight  
41. Susan Arden (INT)   84. Becky Flade  
42. MYTHICAL BOOKS (INT)  85. Clever Girls Read (INT)  
43. Adria's Romance Reviews  

(Cannot add links: Registration/trial expired)


  1. Seyma Shabbir

    TO win the Powerball this week :)

  2. Ashley C

    My goal is to get new windows for our house :)


  3. BookLady

    I plan to exercise more in 2016.

  4. Bessamy

    Get back into shape. We rejoined the gym and intend on going. It’s an uphill battle, but I am determined to win it.

  5. missbobloblaw

    I’ve made the goal to be happier this year.

  6. Dario

    I plan to read more books this year, I got lazy….

  7. Jessica

    My goal is to read 10 more books than I did last year. :)

  8. Mindy Bel

    Thanks for thw great giveaway!
    My foal for 2016 is to get a promotion at work.

  9. Cynthia R

    For 2016 I would like to get a raise at work, find a house, get married, and read 50 books.

  10. beth

    My goal is to read at least 50 books this year.

  11. ashley

    I was diagnosis or am pre diabetic so I’m trying to be healthier, eat better.

  12. Shannon

    My goal is to pay off my debts

  13. Michelle B

    To see more of my family and be more healthful…

  14. Daniel M

    get out of debt

  15. Karen M.

    My goal is to lose 25 lbs.

  16. Dana Matthews

    I’m working on eating healthier and being more organized.

  17. Sara Theissen

    My goal is to buy a house this year!

  18. Piroska

    I’d let to get my living space(s) organized, de-cluttered.

  19. Angela Perry

    To read all my TBR books that I have here at my house!

  20. Francine Anchondo

    to buy a house

  21. bethany whitling

    My goal is to take life one day at a time,and not over think things……

  22. bethany whitling

    My goal is to take life one day at a time and not over think things and make myself crazy…..

  23. Rene

    To win the Lotto :)

  24. Ashley Montroy

    One goal is to spend more time with family and have a happier balance between work and family time.

    • Shelley Munro

      It’s a delicate balance, isn’t it? Children grow up so quickly while work is always there. Good luck with your goal.

  25. Recipe Fairy

    I’m currently pregnant with my second lil boy! I plan on being a great mom and trying to accustom my soon to be seven year old to sharing all the attention! LOL

    • Shelley Munro

      Congratulations! All the best to you and your family.

  26. JanD

    My goal is to exercise at least 3 times a week.

    • Shelley Munro

      I think the best way is to schedule the time at first until exercise becomes a habit. That’s what I need, at any rate :)

  27. Velvet

    We plan on moving into a new home in 2016

    • Shelley Munro

      How exciting! Enjoy your new home :)

  28. Starla B

    This is so awesome. One thing I plan to do from now on is drink more water. I have always drank so much soda so now I am determined to switch it up!

    • Shelley Munro

      That’s a good idea. I need to drink more water too.

  29. Kanoko

    I’m looking to travel outside the country this year.

    Ditto on driving, by the way. You may trust yourself on the road, but you can’t say the same for others.

    • Shelley Munro

      Happy travels!

      It’s scary the number of drivers who don’t obey the road rules and think a red light means “stop if you feel like it”.

  30. Sandra Watts

    My goal is to lose weight and exercise.

  31. Christina reph

    My new years resolution is to be calmer and nicer. I kinda dont let things go if someone does something to me or someone else I say something so Im trying to be calmer and let the stupid stuff slide!

  32. Shannon Blackwell-Williams

    Spend more time with hubby & kids without electronics, including phones!

  33. Sue Mullaney

    My goal is to save more money this year!

  34. Patty

    I want to organize my email and book, both hardcover and ebooks !

  35. Aly P

    I want to try more new to me authors :)

  36. Josy Herrera

    To get my driver’s license

  37. Sherry S.

    To eat healthier and lose some weight.

  38. Amanda Fiore

    To be more active, less time in front of the TV and computer (I’m failing already as I type this).

  39. Alisha Sienkiel

    My goals are to read at least 100 books and write more reviews!

  40. Rachel

    My goal is to learn a new language.

  41. Angela

    My goal is to read at least two books on my TBR pile.

  42. Danielle D

    To be way more healthy and fit.

  43. Jessica Whitehouse

    I don’t make resolutions. If you live each day as if it is a blank slate to use for good and you dedicate the best of yourself to everyday, you shouldn’t need to resolve to be a better person- you already will be the better person.

  44. robyn donnelly

    I will get a parttime job and be healthier.

  45. Ann S

    Finish remodeling my house. Thanks for the giveaway.

  46. Kathy Davis

    In 2016, I’m going to make my marriage better, and have a closer relationship with my husband.

  47. Jerry Marquardt

    My goal this year is to lose some weight this coming year.

  48. Juana Esparza

    I plan to learn to cook healthier.

  49. Leah Shumack

    To add fitness into my daily life!