The Benefits of Peanut Butter by Shelley Munro
Most people think of peanut butter as a sandwich spread or maybe an ingredient in cookies. I like peanut butter on toast. My husband loathes the stuff and refuses to eat it. Peanut butter, according to him, is only fit as an ingredient for Bella’s dog biscuits. Our puppy Bella certainly doesn’t make any protests about the peanut butter.
While I was going through the editing stage of my contemporary mystery romance Cat Burglar in Training, I came upon a comment from my wonderful editor, Deborah Nemeth. She wrote, “Why didn’t anyone hear Eve (our cat burglar) break the window when she entered the building?”
“Heck,” I muttered. “How should I know?”
I continued with my edits, filing the problem away to mull over while I walked the dog. I returned from walking the dog none the wiser. Did Eve risk being heard and simply break the window, or did she open it with some handy-dandy tool from her cat burglar tool kit?
Eve is new to the job of cat burglar, taking over from her father who is unable to scale trees and walls because of his arthritis. She knows the basics but is definitely still finding her feet.
Yikes! How on earth is she going to enter the building? How am I going to fix this?
In the end I googled, and surprisingly, there was an answer.
Peanut butter! Who knew?
Here’s a brief excerpt from Cat Burglar in Training, showing how Eve managed to beat the problem without alerting the owners.
I scaled the wall in no time, stubbornly ignoring the pain in my arse. A ledge, a few inches wide, provided a place for me to collect myself. With a deep breath, I pulled a spoon and a jar of smooth peanut butter from my pack and plastered a thick layer on the window pane. Next, I retrieved a tube of cardboard cut to size—well, a fairly accurate guesstimate—and carefully pressed the cardboard to the peanut butter. A sharp tap with my hammer cracked the glass, but the sound was minimal. I replaced my tools in my pack, placed the glass-covered cardboard aside and reached through to open the lock. My entry via the nursery room window was clean and professional.
There you go. Problem solved. That’s how to enter a building without alerting the inhabitants.
What is your favorite use for peanut butter? Do you like it, or are you like my husband and avoid it at all costs?
Cat Burglar in Training is currently available for 99c at some retailers.
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My sons are big fans of peanut butter sandwiches. I’m glad they never tried using it to muffle sound, but I love how your heroine did. Peanut butter is so much easier to clean up in fiction!
By the way, your book sounds delightful.
Yes, I’m sure the cleanup would be messy. Thank you
I’ve always loved peanut butter but just the smooth kind not the chunky. And peanut butter cookies, my favorite and they’re so easy to make.
Peanut butter cookies are very American. They weren’t a thing here when I was growing up but I see a few recipes now days.
I’d have never thought of that, but I think it seems plausible. Very cool. Your book sounds intriguing, too!
I was thrilled with my solution! Thank you :)