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Betrayed & Seduced – New Release and Giveaway!

It's so exciting to finally have another release in my House of the Cat series. BETRAYED & SEDUCED is out today. I also have an associated giveaway, and the prize is a package of New Zealand goodies. Grab your copy of Betrayed & Seduced Enter the Betrayed & Seduced Release Giveaway

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Writer Tip: Sarah Mayberry

"Take disco breaks. Get up every hour and get the blood flowing and give your brain a break by punching up something pumpy on your ipod or stereo and rocking out for a few minutes. Great to reset things and bring you back to the computer with new energy, and helpful...

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Writer Tip: Brenna Lyons

"The editor is there to do two things: to make the book as polished and professional as she can and to help you and the publisher avoid infringement suits. There are no brownie points for refusing reasonable edits. My first editor [Suzanne James] taught me: "An editor...

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Writer Tip: Cheryl Brooks

"I don't know if my tip is unique or not, but when I'm writing, I keep what I call a tracking sheet on each book. Whenever I start a new chapter, I add in the chapter number and the page it begins on. This enables me to know just how long each of my chapters is and...

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Writer Tip: Shelley Munro

Read. You'll probably hear this from every published writer you meet. You'll probably hear it at every conference you attend too. It really is important to know how the romance genre works and the classic hooks that are popular with readers. Analyze each book you...

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Writer Tip: Maria Zannini

Go to the source: Want to know how it feels to sit in a Mercedes Benz, or the smell of a horse, or the sound of a forest? Go to the source. Window shop at a high end car dealer, visit a horse veterinarian or enlist the help of horsey friends. The woods are not silent....

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Writer Tip: Christina Phillips

Don't be afraid to experiment with your writing. So what does that even mean? For five years I targeted Harlequin Mills and Boon because that was the house I wanted to be published with. I did eventually progress from form rejections to personal ones and then onto...

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