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Clandestine Lovers ~ Now available for Pre-order

Clandestine Lovers, book 3 in the Friendship Chronicles series is now available for pre-order. Here’s the blurb: Think finding the perfect lover is difficult? Ask Susan Webb—-she knows it is. Lonely, tired of dull routine and dud men who only think with their lower brains, she takes a calculated risk to shake up her lackluster life. Now she’s set to take part in a reality dating show. Her...

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Random Thoughts on Christmas Day

Thirteen Random Thoughts During My Christmas Day 1. I need more sleep. 2. Bah-humbug! 3. I knew they'd be late and lunch wouldn't be on time. 4. She should take a chill-pill. 5. Please sit down and rest. 6. Aw, what a cutie. (My new niece, Abby) 7. Ooh, book voucher....

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Tough Times

Times are tough here in New Zealand, much as they are worldwide. Unfortunately, some people try to take the easy way out and steal from others. I thought these security tips from my local paper would be a good reminder to everyone, especially with the holidays coming...

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Heavy Breathing

The idea for this post came to me in the wee hours of this morning. I woke up all of a sudden to the musical sound of my husband's snoring. Now, we've been married for a while, and I have him well trained. I handle this snoring business in two ways. 1. I'll put my...

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Holiday Stories

Each year I think about reading special seasonal stories for Valentine's Day, Halloween and Christmas. I say to myself, "That's a good idea. It would get you in the mood." Somehow, that never happens. I never organize myself enough to follow through and the thought...

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The To-Read Pile

It's no secret I love to read and that my love of reading directed me on the path to becoming a writer. If you're a reader and you're anything like me, you probably have a huge to-read pile sitting by your bed or lined up nicely in a bookcase somewhere in your house....

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Scrapbooking with Amy

I'm really excited about my guest blogger today. I met Amy W online through our mutual love of books, reading and paranormal romances. She's also a digital scrapbook designer and does the most amazing projects. Today she's taking us through the basics of digital...

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