Evening Tryst is set in 1940 and the action takes place in Biggin Hill, which isn't far from London. Unforgettable is set in the city of London during...
Romance and the World War Two Era #historical #romance
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Evening Tryst is set in 1940 and the action takes place in Biggin Hill, which isn't far from London. Unforgettable is set in the city of London during...
I’m busy researching in preparation to write a new historical romance series. My chosen time period is 18th century England, and here is a list of my current reading. Thirteen Non-Fiction Books on English History 1. Great Houses of London by James Stourton, Publisher...
This week I’m time traveling back to 18th century England and Georgian life. I’m reading Behind Closed Doors, At Home in Georgian England by Amanda Vickery as research for a historical I’m planning to write. Thirteen Snippets About 18th Century England Life 1. Locking...