I’m thrilled to welcome Sky Purington, author of The Victorian Lure, a paranormal/time-travel/historical blend to my blog today. Since the hero of Sky’s book is a ghost hunter, I asked her to tell us a little about ghosts and ghost hunters today. Over to Sky.
13 Things To Do With Ghosts and Ghost Hunters
1. First and foremost, be logical minded and debunk before labeling paranormal. Many older houses have copper wiring and extremely high EMF (Electro Magnetic Field) readings. These homes affect sensitive people and make them see things that aren’t there, not to mention influence their health. If the EMF readings are off the charts, there’s a very good chance the home is not haunted. It’s highly recommended that the homeowner hire an electrician as soon as possible.
2. Be patient when ghost hunting. It’s not like what you see on TV. It often takes a full night of investigating to gain one nugget of evidence.
3. Have plenty of extra camera battery packs. Paranormal activity is well known to drain battery life in under a minute.
4. Record a disembodied voice with an EVP (Electro Voice Phenomena) recorder. When trying to get one, be sure to ask clear, concise questions and give the spirit time to answer.
5. Catch a fluctuation in the magnetic field with an EMF Detector. Before doing so, walk-through and establish all places that already have an EMF reading such as light fixtures, electrical outlets and wires in walls.
6. Feel first-hand what a cold spot is. This is a very small area that sharply drops in temperature for no reason. Chances are a spirit’s nearby.
7. See an orb (AKA-energy ball). These are unexplained circles that often appear in places reported to be haunted.
8. Witness unexplainable heat fluctuations in a thermal camera. Again, be sure to debunk first. Even rodents have a small heat signature.
9. Be sure to bring flashlights with screw-off tops. They’re a good tool for trying to get spirits to interact.
10. Bring along flour to sprinkle over places reported to have active disembodied footsteps. Makes for good potential evidence.
11. Capture doors that shut and open on their own. Another one to watch for debunking. Often times in old houses the floor is tilted and a person’s weight on the floorboards can make doors swing without being near them.
12. Catch a face in a window. That’s when things definitely get creepy. Don’t forget to rule out reflections caused from everyday things both indoors and outdoors.
13. See a full bodied apparition. This is as good as gold to ghost hunters. Have your camera handy so it’s captured on film!
Do you think you’d like to go ghost hunting?
Fill out the Rafflecopter below to enter Sky’s contest:
Calum’s Curse Ardetha Vampyre
Book 1
Sky Purington
Genre: Paranormal Romance
Publisher: The Wild Rose Press
ISBN: 1601549903
ASIN: B00654CY2W
Number of pages: 310
Word Count: 80,000 words
Amazon Barnes & Noble
Book Description:
Is it true love…or is the magnetic pull just another part of the Victorian’s lure?
Dakota Allerton depends on no one but herself, but then she’s never needed a ghost hunter. When her dream home becomes a house of horrors that is holding her hostage, her only hope is a Scotsman who investigates the paranormal.
The supernatural is nothing Leathan Stewart can’t handle. However, trapped in Dakota’s cursed Victorian home, he finds himself falling back in time. Only those who persevere can survive the dark domination.
Fear has a way of drawing two people together…but so does the need to be loved. Dakota and Leathan must fight against unknown enemies, discover the secrets of Calum’s Curse and defeat a vampire bent on finishing the legacy it began.
Author Bio:
Best-selling author, Sky Purington lives in southern New Hampshire with her son and husband. The written word has been her obsession from the very beginning. Purington writes time-travel paranormal/fantasy romance heavily influenced by history.
From Irish Druids to Scottish Highlanders many of her novels possess strong Celtic elements. More recently, her vampire stories take the reader to medieval England and ancient Italy.
Enjoy strictly paranormal romance? Sky’s latest novels follow three haunted houses in New England and the sexy ghost hunters determined to make sense of them. Make no mistake, in each and every tale told you’ll travel back to another time and revisit the romanticism history holds at its heart.
Sky loves to hear from readers and can be contacted at Sky@SkyPurington.com Interested in keeping up with Sky’s latest news and releases? Visit Sky’s Website, www.skypurington.com to download her FREE App on iTunes and Android.
Website: www.skypurington.com
A Writer’s Mind Blog: www.skypuringtonwrites.blogspot.com
Sky’s Paranormal Blog: http://paranormalromancedeepdarkanddelicious.blogspot.com
Twitter: www.twitter.com/skypurington
Facebook: www.facebook.com/skypurington
Goodreads: http://www.goodreads.com/author/show/1228627.Sky_Purington
No, I ‘m not ready. I am too much of a scaredy cat to be a ghost hunter! Great thirteen tips.
I’ve attended ghost hunting seminars and once offered to go with a group on their next ‘mission’, but then I moved away and never got the chance.
My reasons are purely for research. I dearly want to know what makes ghosts appear and why some of their actions seem to repeat as if on a recording.
Attempt 2
Your list gave me chills. Great giveaway.
Very interesting 13. I would, unfortunately, be of no use. The fainted body can’t capture anything but a cold from the drafty doors…or would that be spiritual activity?
Very interesting 13. I would, unfortunately, be of no use on a ghost hunt. The fainted body can’t capture anything but a cold from the drafty doors…or would that be spiritual activity?
Shelley, thanks so much for featuring my ’13’ today. Great idea for a post! I had fun with it. :-)
Brinda, Maria, Alice and Angela, thanks so much for stopping by! Glad you enjoyed the my Thursday ’13’ *grins*
(Maria, bummer that you missed out on the ghost hunt! Like you, I’ve always been fascinated by what makes ghosts appear. Why some are residual (repeats itself over and over) and why some hauntings are intellecual (responds directly to questions & will do things asked of it) but I suppose that’s have the ‘draw’ to the whole phenomena! :-))
An interesting T13. Have never been ghost hunting, but I have done a couple of ghost tours.
I’ve investigated the paranormal (live in a very haunted house) but haven’t gone on an actual tour yet. They host one on Halloween at the lighthouse in Portsmouth but the price is steep…
I was always curious what caused EMF. I love this list.
Thanks, Ciara! :-)
I loved this list, Sky. I’m not very brave with things that go bump in the middle of the night though!
Not gonna lie, Shelley… I prefer ghost hunting WITH somebody else! :-)
This post scared me. I’m with Brinda on this one; I’m chicken noddle. Thanks for sharing, I think.
The Food Temptress
*grins* I understand! Thanks for joining me today. :-)
I guess it might be interesting to go on a tour, but since I live in a haunted house I wouldn’t be as scared as some people, lol.
I’ve seen the orbs, a ghost and have a ghost picture. Maybe I should get one of those EMF meters?
Oooooh, you have a picture, Janice? Very cool. And yes, you should definitely get an EMF detector if you live in such an active house. I’ve had better luck with them than EVP recorders… but catching an EVP is so great… :-)
I enjoyed the list of “ghost to do”s”. My WIP
is a paranormal set in on old inn and strange
things do occur. I would be very interested
in a “ghost hunt”. This is my first time here
but I will definitly be back.
Good luck with your paranormal WIP, Lois! They’re so much fun to write and yours sounds like it already has the perfect setting. Thanks for stopping by! :-)
I’ve went on ghost walks before. Some were really kinda boring though. I would definitely have more fun going investigating myself with a group of friends of course! :)
I’d love to go on a ghost hunt.