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Behind the Book: Lone Wolf

Throughout time writers have gained inspiration from places they’ve visited. Agatha Christie wrote Murder on the Orient Express after taking a journey on this iconic train. Daphne du Maurier stayed at Jamaica Inn on Bodmin Moor in 1930 and used this as the setting for her popular Gothic novel Jamaica Inn. Following in the footsteps of these famous writers, I decided to set one of my books in...

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Red Alert!

Picture this... Sunday morning. Early. Mr. Munro is out of bed, and he's in...insert big groan here...clean-up mode. First it's the in-basket with all our bills and invoices etc. "Do you want this? Why are we keeping this?" I had to rescue several items before they...

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Where Do You Hide Yours?

FYI - I hide mine in the fridge. :grin: When was your last? Um...I have to think about that... What More Could I Wish For? Ooh yes...I'll take one now... :mrgreen: Timtams are an Australian invention--one of their best, I have to say. And I don't think we can take...

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What’s For Lunch?

Wanna share your lunch with me? This inquisitive mountain sheep got a little close for comfort. My window wouldn't go up fast enough! To view other Camera Critters go here.

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My Point of View…

...is that I enjoy reading romances and other genre fiction in both first and third person points of view. I like being in the main character's head in some books while in other books seeing things from both the hero and heroine's perspective is interesting. For a...

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Black Forest Muffins

Whenever I have a cup of coffee in a cafe, I always check out the muffins. Any flavor will do as long as they're fresh. If I manage to time it when they're still warm from the oven so much the better. I think muffins are good because they're reasonably healthy and...

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