“Christmas isn’t a season. It’s a feeling.” ~ Edna Ferber. This year, I’m taking part in several collaborative projects, which means I’m currently busy writing a Christmas story. After a bit of thought, I decided to make an addition to my Fancy Free series. Festive is a small-town romance. We have a heroine in peril, a sexy, self-made businessman who is tired, so tired of his matchmaking...
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A New Middlemarch Shifters Release ~ My Blue Lady is out! #paranormal #romance #shifters
My Blue Lady, the latest addition to my Middlemarch Shifters series, is now available at Amazon. My Blue Lady is a return visit to Emily and Saber from the first book in the Middlemarch Shifters series. You can get a free copy if you're a Kindle Unlimited subscriber....
Old St Pauls, Wellington, New Zealand #travel
Nestled in the heart of the commercial center of Wellington, not far from New Zealand’s parliament buildings, is an old church with a lot of history. Old St Paul’s is plain from the outside, a white building and dark spire, set in a large section and surrounded by...
A Kick-Butt Alien and a Hunky Cop ~ Grab your FREE copy of Janaya today! #romance #aliens
Janaya, the first book in my Alien Encounter series is free for a limited time. Hinekiri (book 2) and Alexandre (book 3) are on sale for 99c. Start your Alien Encounter here! Get the entire series (Hinekiri and Alexandre) for less than the price of a coffee.
Dinosaur of the Insect World #travel #NewZealand
The weta - it's a large and primitive insect, native to New Zealand. The reason I chose to write about wetas today is so more people know what they are. When I used a weta reference in my book Janaya, my editor didn't know what I was talking about and I had to rewrite...
Grab LONE WOLF Free – Two days only #paranormal #romance
Lone Wolf is a paranormal romance, set in Yellowstone National Park. See my post a few days ago about the idea behind the book. Today and tomorrow (11 and 12 September) you can download a copy for free. Here's the blurb: Following your gut instinct, that’s when...
Behind the Book: Lone Wolf
Throughout time writers have gained inspiration from places they’ve visited. Agatha Christie wrote Murder on the Orient Express after taking a journey on this iconic train. Daphne du Maurier stayed at Jamaica Inn on Bodmin Moor in 1930 and used this as the setting for...