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January 17, 2013

Thirteen Places On Shelley’s Visit Wish List

Thursday Thirteen

Regular visitors will know how much I love to travel. In fact on my last travel post several of you commented – “Where haven’t you been?”

This TT proves I still have plenty of places on my wish list.

Thirteen Places on Shelley’s Wishlist

1. Antarctica

2. Nelson, New Zealand (South Island)

3. Stewart Island, New Zealand (the island at the bottom of the South Island)

4. Broome, Australia (want to go camel riding)

5. Machu Picchu

6. Texas – one state I haven’t visited yet

7. Madagascar – would love to see the lemurs.

8. Vietnam

9. Darwin, Australia

10. Falkland Islands

11. River cruise down the Amazon

12. Chile

13. Scandinavia

Which place is top of your list?


  1. Jenny Schwartz

    After the hot weather here in Aus, more of it in Broome and Darwin does not appeal to me … all yours, Shelley! But I’d love to see the sub-Antarctic islands if you were sailing that way :)


    • Shelley Munro

      Ooh, yes. I’ve seen quite a few documentaries on those. They’re pristine wild beauty.

  2. Heather

    Scandinavia would be at top of my list–and not just Norway this time, but Sweden and Denmark, too. I could easily spend a month or two traveling across France, and have always wanted to go on an Alaskan cruise. Now if i could just win the lottery…

    • Shelley Munro

      I hear you on the lottery, Heather. We make a donation every week. :)

  3. Maria Zannini

    You’ve never been to Texas?! That must be remedied. :)

    I’ve always wanted to go down under. Japan is also on my bucket list.

  4. Alice Audrey

    Antarctica is at the top of my list too. I’d like to have hit every continent at least once before I die.

  5. Angela Brown

    Whenever you get a chance to make your way to Texas, you’ve GOT to let me know. WOOT!

    I’d love to take a trip to Europe stopping in as many countries as possible. And to visit China and Japan would be big pluses.

  6. Nas

    Awesome choices Shelley! I jsut finished a book, which had h/h visiting Broome and went camel riding. Pigued my interest, I tell you!

  7. Colleen@LooseLeafNotes

    Wow, I’m dizzy. The only place on the list I have (sadly) been to it Texas.

  8. Pearl

    Those all sound like adventures. I feel like some beach somewhere good enough.

  9. H.A. Fowler (Heather)

    Wow, that is such an interesting list!

    Texas is beautiful in a bleak, dusty way. It’s the culture and history there I found so interesting.

    My cousin lives in Vietnam, and he adores it there. Myself? I’m a homebound North American girl — there’s so much here I still haven’t seen. But the one place I’d like to go elsewhere is Scotland. The majority of my relatives came from there, and I have that romance novel addiction for it. ;)

  10. Ron.

    I don’t travel much; I encourage My Beloved Sandra (the greater globetrotter) to do the travelling & let me enjoy my hermitude here at home. It works out well for both of us.

  11. CountryDew

    I have a friend who went to Machu Pichu and she loved it. Her photos from her trip are phenomenal.

    I want to visit Ireland and Scotland.

  12. Kimberly Menozzi

    Antarctica is a place I would love to see – I’m still hopeful that I’ll get there, one day.

  13. Jennifer Leeland

    I’ve ALWAYS wanted to go on a river cruise. And the Amazon? Would be awesome.
    But interestingly, I’d my dream is to visit all the places in the US I haven’t seen yet. Alaska, Mount Rushmore, the Statue of Liberty and a ton more. Great TT Shelley.

  14. kandyblossom

    Interesting list. Would love to visit Antartica, but the rest aren’t really my cup of tea, especially TX. Lived there long enough to know it’s not for me. My oldest daughter still lives there, so we do go visit occasionally. But I still don’t like it.

    Hope you get to visit all of the places, or at least most of them.

  15. Gerri Bowen

    Anywhere is good for me, Shelley. I hope you make it to all those places on your list.

  16. Mary Kirkland

    While I’m not big on traveling, I would love to visit the Lock Ness in Scotland.

  17. Sandra Cox

    I’d love to go to Hawaii, Seattle, England, Ireland and Scotland.