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Celebrating St Patrick’s Day

Most people know about St. Patrick's Day. We might've attended a parade or lifted an Irish bevy in salute, but here's some background and a few fun facts. 1. St Patrick's Day, originally a day to honor St Patrick and the arrival of Christianity in Ireland, has evolved. Today, it’s a celebration of all things Irish—its rich culture and heritage, making it a day of national pride. 2. We celebrate...

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Tips for Aspiring Authors: What do I write about?

If you’ve followed my advice about reading many books, you probably know what genre you want to write or at least have worked out the genres you enjoy most. Here is a post on choosing your next writing project and another post with suggestions on what to write. Some...

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Tip For Aspiring Authors: Use Your Brain

This advice isn’t solely for aspiring authors but is excellent advice for everyone. If you join an online group, asking questions is usually fine. Other writers/group members are generous with advice and suggestions. They’re helpful and open to sharing their...

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Where Do Writers Get Their Ideas?

This is the first question most people ask once they learn you’re a writer. “I don’t know how you do it,” they’ll say. Then, there will be the other smart arses who want to know if you write from real-life experience and waggle their eyebrows suggestively, knowing...

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Tip for Aspiring Authors

I’ve been writing for a long time now. Wow! Just did a mental count, and it’s over twenty years with my first book published in 2004. I feel positively ancient. Anyway, new writers are always popping into Facebook and other writer groups, eager for pearls of wisdom....

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Obsessed with Wombats

Facebook has learned I’m an animal lover and sneakily tailored my page to receive many animal posts. For the last three or four weeks, I’ve been getting Wombat Rescue pics in my feed. They were so cute and the posts interesting, so now I follow the progress of Molly...

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Review: Country Cruise P & O, Pacific Explorer

P & O Cruises Dates: 17 November 2023 (Three nights) Auckland return. I’ll be the first to admit that I wasn’t anticipating this cruise with the same enthusiasm I might have for our other holidays. I'd sailed with P & O a few years ago and was underwhelmed. A...

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