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Meet the King Penguin: Ten Facts About the King Penguin

One of the things I was most looking forward to seeing when we visited the Antarctica region was the penguins. Penguins are fascinating birds, and I never tired of seeing them or watching their antics. Facts about King Penguins 1. They’re the second-largest species of penguin. 2. They weigh up to 15kg and grow to around 3.1 feet in height. 3. It’s estimated there are around 2 million breeding...

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A Cinderella Romance Set in New Zealand #sale #99c

This month I’m taking part in the VIP Reader Rewards for April. Lots of genres on sale and free. Loads of bargains! My book, ONE NIGHT OF MISBEHAVIOR is part of the promotion and currently on sale at 99c (normally $3.99) Grab your copy now: Amazon| All Romance ebooks|...

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Reivers in Hunted & Seduced #paranormal

When I was working through my edits for Hunted & Seduced, my editor asked me about my use of the word reivers. Did I mean Reavers, the ferocious race, that featured in the television series Firefly? And wasn’t I spelling it incorrectly? No, I answered. I mean...

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A Taste of Poison

One of the cool things about writing books with mystery and suspense elements is that you get to kill people off. The murder can be behind the scenes where the reader doesn’t see the grisly stuff, or the murder can be graphic and gritty and give readers nightmares....

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Terms of Endearment

“Hello, darling.” “Stop right there, sweetheart.” “Lookin’ good, babe!” “Sugar-pie, honey bunch, you know that I love you.” “Aw, snookums.” Endearments and pet names have always been part of our vocabularies. They appear in movies, on television, we see them in books...

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Dragon Scales

During the last few months, I’ve done a lot of reading about dragons and their different characteristics. I’ve read fiction and non-fiction.  One thing everyone is clear about is that dragons come in lots of pretty colors. Here are a few interesting facts about...

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