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Waiheke Island: The Setting for Maverick Lovers

A forty-minute ferry ride from Central Auckland, Waiheke is one of the many islands in the Hauraki Gulf. It’s a popular place with daytrippers and the third most populated area of New Zealand after the North and South Islands. The convenient proximity to the city means Waiheke residents can comfortably commute to work, and many do. Waiheke means cascading or ebbing water in the Maori language,...

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H For Hippopotamus!

Hippos or hippopotamus (river horse) are known as the most dangerous animal in Africa, and they kill many people every year. You wouldn’t think they’d be dangerous, given their appearance. They’re plump with thick bodies and short legs, have a round head with small...

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Thirteen Facts About January

When I was wondering about a topic for my thirteen this week, I started thinking about beginnings. January is the beginning of the year, and I thought that would make a great topic. Thirteen Facts About The Month of January 1. January is named after the Roman god...

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Relaxing at the Summer Palace

Thailand was one of our stops during our recent cruise. We’ve visited Bangkok before, and this time we elected to do a trip to see Bang Pa-In Palace, in Ayutthaya Province, which is where the Thai royal family always spent the summer. The current king and queen still...

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Blueberry Scones

Since I had a bottle of cream in the fridge, I decided to make scones today. I also had some fresh blueberries. Yes, I thought. A marriage made in heaven. These scones are incredibly easy and quick – a no-fail recipe. Blueberry Scones 4 cups self-raising flour pinch...

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A Tourist Paparazzi at the Zoo!

A few months ago hubby and I were in Sydney. It was a gorgeous day, and we decided to visit Taronga Zoo. We caught the ferry across the harbor and at the other side rode up the cable car to the top of the hill. The view from the zoo is incredible, especially from the...

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Thirteen Food and Diet Snippets

I’m currently thinking “diet” after a cruising holiday in November and eating lots of Christmas treats. Hubby and I were reading The Fast Diet Recipe book by Mimi Spencer with Dr. Sarah Schenker and have decided to try several of the recipes during our mission to lose...

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